hyperloop_dirk ahlborn

Dirk Ahlborn

CEO Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc.

Dirk Ahlborn is the CEO of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc. (HTT) and the Founder and CEO of JumpStarter Inc. Founded in 2013, HTT designs and builds the most highly profitable, fastest, safest, and environmentally friendly transportation system for passengers and goods. HTT utilizes JumpStarter’s crowdfunding and crowd collaboration platform JumpStartFund and is thus able to leverage technology and a 800+ team of global experts to bring disruptive innovation to the traditional transportation industry. Hyperloop first gained public interest when entrepreneur Elon Musk published a white paper describing a futuristic mode of transport that would transport people from Los Angeles to San Francisco in about thirty minutes. Musk handed the concept to the public and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies rose to the challenge. You can find out more at http://hyperloop.global/ and follow him on Twitter at @dirkahlborn. 

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc.

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, established in 2013, brings airplane speeds to ground level, safely. Passengers and cargo capsules will hover through a network of low-pressure tubes between cities and transforming travel time from hours to minutes.