Zur Person:
Bianca Maria Colosimo is Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano (Italy), where she is Deputy-Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and member of the Rector’s board POLIMI2040, a team appointed to design the strategic agenda of the university in the next decade. Politecnico di Milano is a technical university ranked among global top 20 in the area of Mechanical Eng. (QS international Ranking - 2022).
She is Member of the Implementation Support Group of the Manufuture-EU, Member of the Steering Committee of the EU Vanguard initiative on 3D printing, Member of the Board of Directors EIT manufacturing – CLC south.
She is currently Department Editor of IISE Transactions, Senior Editor of Informs Journal of Data Science and Editor of Progress in Additive Manufacturing.
Zum Vortrag:
In line with the driving role of knowledge, information and learning processes in global competitiveness, economy and society, Science-Tech universities should be considered as a strategic asset for the future. The talk will explore current and future challenges of Science-Tech universities in Europe and worldwide, discussing significant croassroads and their impact on industry, economy and society.